The Ties That Bind

Identifying and Breaking Unhealthy Connections and Soul Ties

Join thousands of others who have experienced this life-changing course. Enroll today and you will learn how you can break ...

"The Ties That Bind"

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Why do I continue to experience the same cycles of crisis and challenge?
  • Why can I not get a handle on my health and overall well being?
  • Why are my emotions constantly in turmoil? (Depression, anxiety, fear)
  • Why can I never get ahead financially, even though I work hard, and strive to be disciplined with my spending?
  • Why can't I keep loving and meaningful relationships in my life?
  • Why can't I break free from destructive habits and patterns of behavior?

I have heard these questions and comments, and hundreds of others just like them.

So many people are hurting, stuck, and simply unable to enjoy the quality of life they really desire. In fact, they lack the power to create the life of their dreams.

What you DON'T know is killing you!

Right now, you are living at a level FAR BENEATH your potential. The very real truth is that you DESERVE to live at a higher level of life.

Maybe you are walking around in pain; in chains; depressed, confused, irrational, defeated, never able to break through to new levels in life. This is NOT God’s will for you!

There are REAL reasons why things are the way they are. One of the key factors is that most people suffer from what I call BROKEN SOULS.

What Is The Soul?

Your soul is the part of you that contains your will, your emotions, your memories, and your core beliefs. Your soul governs how you feel, how you behave, and how you act. It literally controls the trajectory of your life.

The soul is the place where memories are kept, whether good and bad; positive or negative. It is the place where wounds, hurts, disappointments, fears, and failures from your past are hidden away.

In many ways, it is like a giant filing cabinet where your past is compartmentalized and kept, and often accessed to remind you of what you are or are not capable of.

What Are Soul Ties?

Every single person you know (you, me, and everyone else) is linked to others in some way. I think we can all agree that those connections are formed through ...

• friendships,
• business partnerships,
• intimate relationships,
• sexual contact,
• organizational allegiances,
• covenants and vows,
• and many other means.

These are called SOUL TIES. They actually tie your soul together with the soul of other individuals, and your life is directly affected by these connections until they are severed and broken.

Now it is important to know that some soul ties are healthy and beneficial, but you must deal with the unhealthy ones and break the "Ties That Bind" if you are to find success and fulfillment in your life.

How Do Soul Ties Affect Me?

The really interesting thing about soul ties is that, not only is your soul tied to another person, but you can actually find yourself being affected by their emotions, their thoughts, their state of mind, or even the spiritual condition they are in.

You may not know that it is actually happening, but every aspect of your life can be directly impacted. Unhealthy soul tie connections can cause you very real problems. Even when you can't consciously see the source or the 'why', they can reek havoc in your life, and keep you from the life you desire.

  • Self-Esteem: Your image of who you are can erode over time, robbing you of the confidence and power you need to accomplish great things
  • Internal Conflicts: You may be driving with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brakes, and you cannot understand why every time you seem to make some progress in your life, you sabotage yourself
  • Physical Health: Chronic sickness, struggles with weight, inability to sleep and get good rest, lack of energy. All of these are symptoms of a more pressing issues going on in the soul.
  • Personal Finances: It seems there is a giant hole in your bucket! No matter what you do to get ahead, something always happens to put you behind and lacking.
  • Meaningful Relationships: You find it difficult to grow and maintain meaningful and important relationships. They always seem to go sideways or slip away.
  • Marriage and Family: The most important people in your life can be negatively impacted by our struggles and unresolved issues. This can lead to marriage challenges, estrangement from your children, and even the breakup of families.
  • Trust: You find it impossible to open your heart, trust people, risk relationship, and engage in authentic, intimate relationships. This isolates you and leaves you feeling alone, without hope, and with no one with whom to do life with
  • Emotional Well Being: Stress, depression, fear, thoughts of suicide, and chronic worrying. Unresolved soul ties can cause these, and will rob you of joy, happiness and the beautiful rewards of living life to the fullest
  • Dreams and Goals: When unchecked, these soul ties will completely rob you of your dreams, convincing you that you could never achieve or have them.
  • Habits and Patterns: You find yourself repeating patterns of behaviors, even though you hate winding up in the same place, over and over. You feel powerless to overcome addicitions and habits. Something has you bound!

These and so many other areas are specifically and negatively impacted by the unhealthy, unreconciled ties we have with people, places, and things.

Why You Must Deal With This

My strong belief is that a person's ability to prosper and know health in EVERY area of their life is directly proportionate to the health and wellness of their SOUL.

If you refuse to address these matters of the heart, then you lock yourself into your present circumstance and reality for good. Maybe you won't be able to achieve the things you want to achieve in life, for reasons you have never recognized, seen, or even known existed. By doing this, you are sentencing yourself to a life of mediocrity at best.

"You cannot change what you are not willing to acknowledge" ~ Dr. Phil McGraw

The health and wellness of you soul is determined by whether or not you have reconciled your past, and severed yourself from the unhealthy and limiting connections that have kept you from being released into your full potential.

So Who Needs This Training Program?

If you, or someone you love has ever experienced, or are currently dealing with any of the following challenges in life, then this training is for YOU!

Things like:

  • Growing up in a divorced home
  • Never receiving the affirmation of a parent or loved one
  • Having an absentee father
  • Growing up in a tempestuous and volatile home environment
  • Experienced the trauma of sexual abuse, rape, or incest
  • Felt the sting of abandonment by you parents or other a loved on
  • Being abused by the church or in the name of religion
  • A failed marriage ending in divorce
  • Dysfunctional or co-dependent ties to relatives or friends
  • You find it difficult to walk away from destructive relationships or associations
  • Strong connections involving vows with sororities, clubs, or other organizations
  • Business relationships with partners/clients who are not aligned with who you are
  • Unhealthy allegiances to doctrines, ideas, and beliefs
  • The loss of a family member or friend
  • Anyone who knows in their heart that there is more for their life than what they are presently experiencing.

There Is An Answer!

The Ties That Bind Training Experience has impacted the lives of thousands of people throughout the United States and the world.

Where traditional counseling, therapy, psychiatry, and other forms of personal improvement methods have failed, I have seen this training experience completely transform the hearts and minds of indivuals from all walks of life.

Here's The Story:

In the year 2000, my wife and I started on a very deep and personal path to healing. In the midst of our own brokenness and shame, God invited us on a journey of discovery, understanding, and ultimately freedom.

We have experienced freedom from the past; freedom from old wounds and hurts; freedom to forgive; and yes, freedom from The Ties That Bind.

As we began to understand more about the quest for wholeness, I taught a 6-part seminar on The Ties That Bind – Identifying and Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties.

Never could he have anticipated the response I would receive, nor was I prepared for the far reaching impact it would have.

This comprehensive teaching is more than another good read or listen, it is a proven PROCESS that, when followed, has led thousands of people all over the world to reconcile the past, receive deep personal healing, disconnect with unhealthy and limiting factors, and walk forward in freedom and confidence.

My Personal Encouragement To You

I get how you have put yourself out there many times, and tried another "deal", and you are afraid that this might just be another one of those. I promise you this is different.
I want you to know that I truly understand what it feels like to be at a place where you feel helpless. You feel like you've been around and around, and nothing you've tried has worked. I know what it feels like to be at the end of yourself.
I know first hand how pain, guilt, and shame can paralyze and prevent you from believing or taking action. I know that sometimes, it feels like no one understands or even cares.

No matter where you are in your life at this moment, I want you to know … THERE IS HOPE!

  • Your destiny is still intact.
  • Your life still matters
  • No matter how hard it is now, or how many times you have failed, you are still capable of realizing your dreams, and achieving your hearts desires.
God still has plans for your life … for prosperity, for wellness, for health and happiness.

Make A Decision Today!

What if today is the day that your entire world get's turned around? In spite of how difficult it has been, what if today is the day that you WILL get up, you WILL trust again, and WILL receive the gifts that God is longing to release into your life?

What if today, you were to make a decision to dig deep, submit to a process, and experience healing and freedom you never dreamed possible?

This course can and will change your life forever. It did mine, and has for thousands of others just like you.

I encourage you to TAKE ACTION NOW. Give yourself the gift of life. Give yourself the gift of freedom. Don’t settle for ‘LESS THAN'. Become ALL that God has created you to be.

Your Instructor

Brian A. Holmes
Brian A. Holmes

Brian A. Holmes is the Founder and President of the Strategic Living Institute, a life-changing organization dedicated to teaching people how to harness the power and potential God has given them.

Brian’s deep passion is providing individuals the opportunity and means to receive inner life healing, purpose-specific training and development, and the practical activation necessary to mobilize as leaders of cultural transformation.

Brian is an highly acclaimed speaker, author, and leadership expert. He is also the host of the Strategic Living Podcast, and is a Certified Master Coach and a mentor to people from all walks of life. His passion for building people and developing leaders is experienced by thousands around the world each year.

For more information on Brian’s books and courses, his speaking and coaching availability, or to contact him directly, visit

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